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This comprehensive, one-day "hands-on" advanced course is designed to assist law enforcement officers with the growing trend in the use of fraudulent identity documents. These authentic-looking "modern day" credentials that are available online have compromised nearly every security feature on their ID's making them virtually "undetectable"This course will instruct law enforcement officers the proper ID protocol to detect/identify these fraudulent ID's within seconds. Officers will be able to handle genuine and counterfeit ID's side by side for comparison. Instruction will include methods to detect counterfeit driver licenses from all 50 states along with social security cards, green cards, Passports (US & Foreign) as well as International Driving Permits, Canadian and Mexican documents. Special instruction includes how to detect altered documents (titles). Instruction will include appropriate 2C statutes.
Starts Starts: 5/21/2025 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:

This program is designed to give the patrol officer the tools they need to be successful in the streets.

This program is designed to give the proactive officer the tools they need to be successful in the streets. The program goes into depth with case law covering investigative detentions, conducting motor vehicle stops, extending motor vehicle stops, developing probable cause to search motor vehicles, and for arresting occupants. We will also cover behaviors and items to be observant of while conducting investigations. Finally, we will review when questioning in the streets requires the administration of Miranda warnings and how to use your body-worn camera to your advantage. Don't wait! Register today!

Starts Starts: 2/19/2025 8:30 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
To Register go to: https://bloodgood.regfox.com/linden-nj-case-law-for-cops-the-patrol-edition
REGISTER AT: [email protected]

The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) is a nationally acclaimed best model originally developed by the Memphis Tennessee

Police Department. New Jersey’s CIT program is a county-based collaboration of professionals committed to improving

their county’s law enforcement system and the mental health system’s response to persons experiencing a psychiatric

crisis who come into contact with law enforcement first responders.

The Crisis Intervention Team model is based upon building a collaboration and strong communication network between

the community’s police department and mental health system. Once established, the collaboration develops a strategy that

increases the communication and supports between police and mental health systems and consequently diverts

individuals from the justice system to mental health services. When a public safety situation occurs involving a person in

psychiatric crisis, law enforcement officers will often be the first responders. CIT training provides participants with

knowledge and de-escalation skills which may decrease the necessity to use force in certain situations, thus protecting

both the officers involved and the person in crisis.

The CIT certification course is a 40-hour five-day training for law enforcement officers, first responders, dispatchers,

mental health professionals and community outreach members. It is comprised of classroom instruction, community site

visits and practical exercises delivered by local mental health professionals, CIT law enforcement instructors and other

subject matter experts. The curriculum is a comprehensive overview of the wide range of issues that influence the

outcome of a law enforcement officer’s response to the agitated or disruptive behavior of an individual experiencing a

crisis. The course provides participants with communication skills that can de-escalate a potentially violent situation

The 40-hour CIT class is comprised of approximately 30 students and is designed to be interactive in order to increase the

individual participants’ personal networks. (Sometimes it’s who you know that gets the quickest results!) For Law

Enforcement participants a minimum of 3 years’ experience is preferred.

This training is offered at no cost to participants. Professional attire required.



Starts Starts: 3/10/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Sessions: 5
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
To Register go to: [email protected]
REGISTER AT: [email protected]

The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) is a nationally acclaimed best model originally developed by the Memphis Tennessee

Police Department. New Jersey’s CIT program is a county-based collaboration of professionals committed to improving

their county’s law enforcement system and the mental health system’s response to persons experiencing a psychiatric

crisis who come into contact with law enforcement first responders.

The Crisis Intervention Team model is based upon building a collaboration and strong communication network between

the community’s police department and mental health system. Once established, the collaboration develops a strategy that

increases the communication and supports between police and mental health systems and consequently diverts

individuals from the justice system to mental health services. When a public safety situation occurs involving a person in

psychiatric crisis, law enforcement officers will often be the first responders. CIT training provides participants with

knowledge and de-escalation skills which may decrease the necessity to use force in certain situations, thus protecting

both the officers involved and the person in crisis.

The CIT certification course is a 40-hour five-day training for law enforcement officers, first responders, dispatchers,

mental health professionals and community outreach members. It is comprised of classroom instruction, community site

visits and practical exercises delivered by local mental health professionals, CIT law enforcement instructors and other

subject matter experts. The curriculum is a comprehensive overview of the wide range of issues that influence the

outcome of a law enforcement officer’s response to the agitated or disruptive behavior of an individual experiencing a

crisis. The course provides participants with communication skills that can de-escalate a potentially violent situation

The 40-hour CIT class is comprised of approximately 30 students and is designed to be interactive in order to increase the

individual participants’ personal networks. (Sometimes it’s who you know that gets the quickest results!) For Law

Enforcement participants a minimum of 3 years’ experience is preferred.

This training is offered at no cost to participants. Professional attire required.



Starts Starts: 6/9/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Sessions: 5
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
To Register go to: [email protected]
REGISTER AT: [email protected]

The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) is a nationally acclaimed best model originally developed by the Memphis Tennessee

Police Department. New Jersey’s CIT program is a county-based collaboration of professionals committed to improving

their county’s law enforcement system and the mental health system’s response to persons experiencing a psychiatric

crisis who come into contact with law enforcement first responders.

The Crisis Intervention Team model is based upon building a collaboration and strong communication network between

the community’s police department and mental health system. Once established, the collaboration develops a strategy that

increases the communication and supports between police and mental health systems and consequently diverts

individuals from the justice system to mental health services. When a public safety situation occurs involving a person in

psychiatric crisis, law enforcement officers will often be the first responders. CIT training provides participants with

knowledge and de-escalation skills which may decrease the necessity to use force in certain situations, thus protecting

both the officers involved and the person in crisis.

The CIT certification course is a 40-hour five-day training for law enforcement officers, first responders, dispatchers,

mental health professionals and community outreach members. It is comprised of classroom instruction, community site

visits and practical exercises delivered by local mental health professionals, CIT law enforcement instructors and other

subject matter experts. The curriculum is a comprehensive overview of the wide range of issues that influence the

outcome of a law enforcement officer’s response to the agitated or disruptive behavior of an individual experiencing a

crisis. The course provides participants with communication skills that can de-escalate a potentially violent situation

The 40-hour CIT class is comprised of approximately 30 students and is designed to be interactive in order to increase the

individual participants’ personal networks. (Sometimes it’s who you know that gets the quickest results!) For Law

Enforcement participants a minimum of 3 years’ experience is preferred.

This training is offered at no cost to participants. Professional attire required.



Starts Starts: 10/6/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Sessions: 5
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
To Register go to: [email protected]
***REGISTER DIRECTLY WITH PROVIDER*** https://bloodgood.regfox.com/linden-nj-dope-drug-operations-proven-effective-patrol-edition

Description: This program is designed to give law enforcement professionals a comprehensive overview of what it takes to conduct a successful drug investigation.

This course offers patrol officers a unique insight to case strategies that are often underutilized and overlooked. Course highlights include current drug trends, drug and paraphernalia identification, developing informants, interview techniques, conducting a preliminary investigation of an overdose death and more!

Starts Starts: 3/20/2025 8:30 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
To Register go to: https://bloodgood.regfox.com/linden-nj-dope---drug-operations-proven-effective---
*This course will count for your hours for your PTC Licensing.

*You don't need a Level 1 to take this course.

Description: This hands-on course will offer instruction and drilling on basic fundamental movements and techniques geared towards female police officers, improving the officer’s knowledge and ability in the art of ground-fighting. We will cover the 3 main positions of unarmed self-defense: standing, top, and bottom, with the ultimate goal of placing the subject in handcuffs. The objective of this course is to arm the officer with the confidence to successfully de-escalate an unarmed encounter, without having to use mechanical or deadly force. This course complies with the rules and guidelines set forth by the NJPTC and NJ Attorney General's Office.

Duration: 4 Days
Required Equipment: Athletic (workout) apparel (ie: Shorts, Sweats, T-shirt)
Water for a day of training
1 set of handcuffs
Headgear (optional)
Mouthpiece (optional)
No sneakers or boots allowed on mat.

Starts Starts: 5/5/2025 9:00 AM
Sessions Sessions: 4
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Description: The purpose of this seminar is to equip public safety agencies with the knowledge and tools to address the growing threat of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Attendees will gain a deep understanding of recent UAS-related threats and relevant use case scenarios. Additionally, the seminar will explore a variety of counter-UAS solutions, both through technology and policy. Throughout the session, participants will hear from UAS experts and representatives from leading CUAS companies. This event is designed to enhance preparedness and response capabilities for law enforcement and public safety agencies. More
Starts Starts: 2/20/2025 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Description: The purpose of this seminar is to equip public safety agencies with the knowledge and tools to address the growing threat of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Attendees will gain a deep understanding of recent UAS-related threats and relevant use case scenarios. Additionally, the seminar will explore a variety of counter-UAS solutions, both through technology and policy. Throughout the session, participants will hear from UAS experts and representatives from leading CUAS companies. This event is designed to enhance preparedness and response capabilities for law enforcement and public safety agencies. More
Starts Starts: 2/21/2025 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
The Police Training Commission (PTC) was established by the Legislature to administer the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:17B-66 et seq., commonly referred to as the Police Training Act. To implement the intent of this act, the improvement of the policing system, the Commission has been vested with the power and responsibility to prescribe the curriculum to be followed in the training of a police officer.

In this Mandatory Defensive Tactics Training, the New Jersey Use of Force Policy, Core Principles (April 2022) should be reinforced.

Tactical de-escalation involves the use of techniques to reduce the intensity of an encounter with a suspect and enable an officer to have additional options to gain voluntary compliance or mitigate the need to use a higher level of force while maintaining control of the situation.

Topics Covered: Weapon Retention, Pain Compliance, Escapes Clinching, Takedown, Block, Strikes

*Required Equipment: Duty belt, Training Gun, Mouthguard, Handcuffs, Athletic Clothing
Starts Starts: 2/20/2025 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
The Police Training Commission (PTC) was established by the Legislature to administer the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:17B-66 et seq., commonly referred to as the Police Training Act. To implement the intent of this act, the improvement of the policing system, the Commission has been vested with the power and responsibility to prescribe the curriculum to be followed in the training of a police officer.

In this Mandatory Defensive Tactics Training, the New Jersey Use of Force Policy, Core Principles (April 2022) should be reinforced.

Tactical de-escalation involves the use of techniques to reduce the intensity of an encounter with a suspect and enable an officer to have additional options to gain voluntary compliance or mitigate the need to use a higher level of force while maintaining control of the situation.

Topics Covered: Weapon Retention, Pain Compliance, Escapes Clinching, Takedown, Block, Strikes

*Required Equipment: Duty belt, Training Gun, Mouthguard, Handcuffs, Athletic Clothing
Starts Starts: 2/21/2025 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
The Police Training Commission (PTC) was established by the Legislature to administer the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:17B-66 et seq., commonly referred to as the Police Training Act. To implement the intent of this act, the improvement of the policing system, the Commission has been vested with the power and responsibility to prescribe the curriculum to be followed in the training of a police officer.

In this Mandatory Defensive Tactics Training, the New Jersey Use of Force Policy, Core Principles (April 2022) should be reinforced.

Tactical de-escalation involves the use of techniques to reduce the intensity of an encounter with a suspect and enable an officer to have additional options to gain voluntary compliance or mitigate the need to use a higher level of force while maintaining control of the situation.

Topics Covered: Weapon Retention, Pain Compliance, Escapes Clinching, Takedown, Block, Strikes

*Required Equipment: Duty belt, Training Gun, Mouthguard, Handcuffs, Athletic Clothing
Starts Starts: 3/3/2025 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
The Police Training Commission (PTC) was established by the Legislature to administer the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:17B-66 et seq., commonly referred to as the Police Training Act. To implement the intent of this act, the improvement of the policing system, the Commission has been vested with the power and responsibility to prescribe the curriculum to be followed in the training of a police officer.

In this Mandatory Defensive Tactics Training, the New Jersey Use of Force Policy, Core Principles (April 2022) should be reinforced.

Tactical de-escalation involves the use of techniques to reduce the intensity of an encounter with a suspect and enable an officer to have additional options to gain voluntary compliance or mitigate the need to use a higher level of force while maintaining control of the situation.

Topics Covered: Weapon Retention, Pain Compliance, Escapes Clinching, Takedown, Block, Strikes

*Required Equipment: Duty belt, Training Gun, Mouthguard, Handcuffs, Athletic Clothing
Starts Starts: 3/4/2025 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
The Police Training Commission (PTC) was established by the Legislature to administer the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:17B-66 et seq., commonly referred to as the Police Training Act. To implement the intent of this act, the improvement of the policing system, the Commission has been vested with the power and responsibility to prescribe the curriculum to be followed in the training of a police officer.

In this Mandatory Defensive Tactics Training, the New Jersey Use of Force Policy, Core Principles (April 2022) should be reinforced.

Tactical de-escalation involves the use of techniques to reduce the intensity of an encounter with a suspect and enable an officer to have additional options to gain voluntary compliance or mitigate the need to use a higher level of force while maintaining control of the situation.

Topics Covered: Weapon Retention, Pain Compliance, Escapes Clinching, Takedown, Block, Strikes

*Required Equipment: Duty belt, Training Gun, Mouthguard, Handcuffs, Athletic Clothing
Starts Starts: 3/24/2025 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
The Police Training Commission (PTC) was established by the Legislature to administer the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:17B-66 et seq., commonly referred to as the Police Training Act. To implement the intent of this act, the improvement of the policing system, the Commission has been vested with the power and responsibility to prescribe the curriculum to be followed in the training of a police officer.

In this Mandatory Defensive Tactics Training, the New Jersey Use of Force Policy, Core Principles (April 2022) should be reinforced.

Tactical de-escalation involves the use of techniques to reduce the intensity of an encounter with a suspect and enable an officer to have additional options to gain voluntary compliance or mitigate the need to use a higher level of force while maintaining control of the situation.

Topics Covered
: Weapon Retention, Pain Compliance, Escapes Clinching, Takedown, Block, Strikes

*Required Equipment: Duty belt, Training Gun, Mouthguard, Handcuffs, Athletic Clothing
Starts Starts: 5/1/2025 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
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